Hacky Easter 2021 writeup

HackyEaster was awesome again. From a technical point of view there weren’t too much new things, but the creativity of the provided challenges made it really fun. Including the little teaser challenge there were a total amount of 37 challenges. These challenges were divided into different levels. You could only proceed to the next level, if you have earned enough points in the current level. I really liked that new idea.

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Hacky Easter 2019 writeup

As every year hacking-lab.com carried out the annual Hacky Easter event with 27 challenges. As usual the variety of the challenges was awesome. I actually got full score this year 🙂 Many thanks to daubsi, who gave me a nudge once in a while on the last challenges (you can find his writeup here).
01 Twisted
02 Just Watch
03 Sloppy Encryption
04 Disco 2
05 Call for Papers
06 Dots
07 Shell we Argument
08 Modern Art
09 rorriM rorriM
10 Stackunderflow
11 Memeory 2.0
12 Decrypt0r
13 Symphony in HEX
14 White Box
15 Seen in Steem
16 Every-Thing
17 New Egg Design
18 Egg Storage
19 CoUmpact DiAsc
20 Scrambled Egg
21 The Hunt: Misty Jungle
22 The Hunt: Muddy Quagmire
23 The Maze
25 Hidden Egg #1
26 Hidden Egg #2
27 Hidden Egg #3
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Hacky Easter 2018 writeup

As every year hacking-lab.com carried out the annual Hacky Easter event with 27 challenges. I could not spend as much time as I would have liked to on solving the challenges, but after all I managed to collect 25 of the 27 eggs and focused on this writeup.
01 Prison Break
02 Babylon
03 Pony Coder
04 Memeory
05 Sloppy & Paste (mobile)
06 Cooking for Hackers
07 Jigsaw
08 Disco Egg
09 Dial Trial (mobile)
10 Level Two
11 De Egg you must (not solved)
12 Patience (mobile)
13 Sagittarius…
14 Same same…
15 Manila greetings
16 git cloak –hard
17 Space Invaders
18 Egg Factory
19 Virtual Hen
20 Artist: No Name Yet (not solved)
21 Hot Dog
22 Block Jane
23 Rapbid Learning
24 ELF
25 Hidden Egg #1
26 Hidden Egg #2
27 Hidden Egg #3

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